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Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico G. Malafarina

Itt G. Malafarina ( is a high technical school for surveyors, computer programmers and electrical technicians in Soverato, in the South of Italy. It hosts about 700 students, aged 14-19. The school is also attended by migrants, sons of non-Eu citizens and some students with special needs. The main goals of the school is to prepare the students for an active role both as professionals and as men and women in a democratic European society, The teaching-learning approach stimulates the creativity of the students and of their teachers reducing the percentages of scholastic failure or of social exclusion and favoring equal sex opportunities in order to consolidate acquired experiences and share them in the future. Teaching methods adhere to an innovative European Education Syllabus according to which Computer Science, the environmental concern, the learning of foreign languages are incentivized in order to promote international job integration. Students are provided with effective trainings, through individualized support programs and technical stages. Participants have been selected by a Commission composed of the Principal, the Erasmus plus team coordinator, the General Director of Administrative Services and the three department in charge Directors after an open invitation to staff (122 persons) and students. A list has been assessed through an objective value scale to create rankings based on merit according to linguistic, ICT competences and certified experiences on the specific project’s themes. This project would be a further occasion to acquire new competences for the teachers and to actualize them properly in order to have an efficient impact on students’ sustainable growth. Furthermore Mrs Moniaci, as a newly elected Epale ambassador, has been enrolling as many school staff members as possible in taking part in the adult process of lifelong learning and by organizing four Erasmus+ regional days has built a net involving municipalities, associations, Ngos and schools from all the region promoting in all the participants a willingness to self-development. Sharing this experience will give an added value to the Institute European policy enriching it with adequate tools to update training of management and office staff by learning from different educational systems and contexts in Europe. We have foreseen enough staff/persons (teachers and technicians/administratives) in order to substitute the ones involved in the project, with no further expenses for the school during the mobilities and in case of persons leaving their posts in the future. Furthermore the school could acquire a relevant role in this specific project since is enrolled in partnerships in which is developing new methodologies and environmental campaigns which assure a proper development of students’ potentialities in this field and joins projects such as Venture Simulation in wind turbines companies or Building of domotic sustainable houses.
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